New member self-service portal

New member self-service portal

MyTFFR Member Self-Service is your portal for secure and easy retirement management! It offers convenient access to your Teachers’ Fund for Retirement (TFFR) account and forms anytime, anywhere. 

How to login for the first time?

MyTFFR is available to members and beneficiaries-in-payment who complete a registration process - download the instructions or watch a "How to" video on RIO's YouTube Channel. 

  1. Select the red “Member Login” button below.
  2. Enter your North Dakota Login User ID and Password and select the “Sign in” button. If you don’t have a North Dakota Login:
    a. Select the “Create an account” link. Enter your First name and Last name, and create a User ID of your choosing (e.g., John.Smith, jasmith or Johnny123) and a Password. 
    b. For Account recovery purposes, enter an Email address. (Skip the Cell phone recovery entry.) A one-time activation code will be sent to your email address. Enter the code when prompted. 
    c. After responding to the Security questions, select “Create account.” 
  3. Once you are signed in, you will be prompted to provide your Member Demographics by entering your First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth and Social Security Number. Select the “Next” button to verify the information entered.
  4. On the User Verification screen, select the correct answers to the questions. Select the “Next” button to verify the information entered.
  5. On the End User License Agreement screen, review the Terms and Conditions, select the “I Accept” checkbox, and then select the “Finish” button.

Member Login

Keep your account secure

Protect your MyTFFR account by keeping your User ID, password, and security question answers private. RIO will never call, email, or message you to request this information. If you receive an unexpected request, contact RIO.

If you access your MyTFFR account from a public or shared computer, always log out when finished. If the device prompts you to save your User ID or password, decline to ensure your information remains secure.



For step-by-step user guidance, after logging into MyTFFR, select the "Help" button to access the Member Help Center. Alternatively, "How to" videos are available on RIO’s YouTube Channel.

To submit a request for assistance, once logged into MyTFFR, select the “Contact Us” tile on MyTFFR’s Dashboard.



Active and inactive members can use MyTFFR to:

  • Update their contact information
  • Designate account beneficiaries
  • View salary, service credit and account balance
  • Purchase service credit
  • Estimate their retirement benefit
  • Apply for retirement
  • Apply for a refund

Retired members can use MyTFFR to:

  • Update their contact information
  • Update direct deposit information
  • Download their 1099-R
  • Adjust federal or state tax withholding
  • View account beneficiaries
  • Obtain an income verification

A North Dakota Login is used to access to various online services provided by the state of North Dakota including MyTFFR Member Self-Service. 

Learn how to manage your account: North Dakota Login FAQs