
TFFR Members


Welcome TFFR Members! This site will get you familiar with the benefits available to you and your beneficiary(ies) whether it be retirement, disability or death benefits. Please review the Member Handbook to get you better acquainted with the features of your retirement plan. Also, check out Fast Facts for a summary of benefits including tiers, grandfathering status, contribution rates and other retirement information.

Accordion Section Title
TFFR Membership

If you are employed by a public school or state institution for teaching, supervisory, administrative or extracurricular services and have a teaching license, you are required to participate in the TFFR plan. This section covers:

Tier and Grandfathering Status

Dual Membership

Salary, Contributions and Interest

Beneficiary(ies) and Marriage Dissolution

Service Credit and Vesting

Accordion Section Title
Purchase of Service

Active TFFR members who meet certain conditions are eligible to purchase service credit to use toward retirement eligibility and benefits. If you are interested in purchasing service credit, contact TFFR for a cost estimate and a projection of retirement benefits with and without purchasing service credit. Please read the Purchasing Service Credit brochure to see the types of service credit that may be purchased and the eligibility requirements. 

Service credit is not eligible for purchase if the years claimed also qualify for retirement benefits from another retirement system (except Military service). Out-of-state, non-public and government agencies must verify years requested and eligibility for retirement benefits. Please use the Verification of Teaching Service Credit form to verify years.

Accordion Section Title
Withdrawal of Account

A member who terminates covered employment is eligible for a refund (lump-sum distribution) of the account value. Please read the Refund/Lump Sum Distribution information sheet for waiting periods, tax and membership tier considerations and how to apply for a refund. Please also read the Special Tax Notice required by the IRS to be given to a member prior to refunding the account.

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Retirement Benefits

This is what you have all been working so hard for! Your TFFR retirement account provides you with a monthly retirement payment for life or a refund of your account value (see the Withdrawal of Account section above).

Refer to the Fast Facts found above to review the eligibility requirements to begin drawing a monthly retirement benefit. Please also read the important Retirement Guide to see how benefits are calculated, how to apply for retirement benefits, the benefit payment options and employment after retirement. If you wish to begin retirement benefits, please submit the required Retirement Application and applicable documents to the TFFR office. The member handbook has additional retirement information. 

Retirement Benefit Formula

Final average salary (FAS) x 2.0% x service = monthly Single Life Annuity

  • Tier 1 members FAS - high 3 fiscal year salaries / 36
  • Tier 2 members FAS - high 5 fiscal year salaries / 60
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Disability Retirement Benefits

If you become disabled, you may be entitled to monthly disability retirement benefits. Please read the Disability Retirement Benefits information sheet for eligibility requirements, how the benefits are calculated and how to apply for disability benefits.

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Member Deaths and Survivor Benefits

Should you die before retiring, your beneficiary will have the following options concerning your TFFR account: 

  • Non-vested members - Refund of account value
  • Vested members - Refund of account value; or Monthly annuity for life (only if one beneficiary is named)

Should you die after retirement, benefits are paid based on the plan selected at retirement. Please see the member handbook for more information.

Reporting A Death

If a member dies, TFFR should be notified promptly at 1-800-952-2970. In all cases, a copy of the member's death certificate is required. If other forms are necessary, they will be provided to the designated beneficiary.

Accordion Section Title
Employment after Retirement

After you retire, you may return to TFFR covered employment under certain employment limitations. Please read the Working After Retirement brochure for details. Each year you teach after retirement, you and your employer need to complete and submit a TFFR Retired Member Employment Notification to the TFFR office.

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Member Services / Retirement Education

RIO offers a variety of outreach services to keep you informed about the TFFR pension program including Retirement Education Workshops in the summer and Group Benefit sessions in the fall. Please view Upcoming Events to learn more about scheduled presentations.

Retirement Education Workshop, July 2023

Group Benefit Presentation, Nov. 2023

Events Page

TFFR Retirement Education Workshop - event is at capacity

Thursday, July 18, 2024 at 09:00 am - 12:30 pm

Categories: TFFR Outreach Programs

Retirement Education Workshops help TFFR members in mapping to their eventual retirement by providing information on their benefits, estate and financial planning presentations, and a discussion of health insurance options. The members who benefit most from the workshops are within 1-10 years of retirement. 


TFFR earns two pension awards

Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 09:00 am

Categories: TFFR Member News, TFFR Employer News

The TFFR pension program has earned the 2023 Public Pension Standards Awards for Plan Funding and for Plan Administration from the Public Pension Coordinating Council.


RIO recognized for financial reporting

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 02:00 pm

Categories: TFFR Member News, TFFR Employer News, SIB News

RIO has been awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada.

Public Hearing for Administrative Rules

Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 04:35 pm

Categories: TFFR Member News, TFFR Employer News

The ND Retirement and Investment Office (RIO), on behalf of the Teachers’ Fund for Retirement, will hold a public hearing on Oct. 27, 2023, at 9:00 a.m., CT, at NDRIO located at 1600 E. Century Avenue, Suite 3, Bismarck, ND 58507, to amend, create and repeal existing administrative code.


Evanoff appointed to Teachers’ Fund for Retirement board

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Categories: TFFR Member News, TFFR Employer News

Gov. Doug Burgum has appointed Scott Evanoff of Minot to the Teachers’ Fund for Retirement (TFFR) board of trustees. The seven-member board is responsible for administration of TFFR’s pension program.

Teachers’ Fund For Retirement board selects new actuary

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Categories: TFFR Member News, TFFR Employer News

North Dakota Teachers’ Fund For Retirement Board of Trustees has selected Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company as its new pension fund actuary.

Retirement Specialists Unavailable from Oct. 21st thru the 26th

Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 08:20 am

Categories: TFFR Member News, TFFR Employer News

There will be no walk-in services, phone calls, or email access with TFFR Retirement Specialists Friday, October 21st through Wednesday, October 26th. Staff will do their best to respond promptly upon their return on Thursday, October 27th.  Thank you for your patience while they are out of the office for required training in order to provide superior customer service.

RIO Press Release - Deputy Executive Director/Chief Retirement Officer Position Filled

Tuesday, July 19, 2022 at 11:00 am

Categories: TFFR Member News, TFFR Employer News, SIB News

The North Dakota State Retirement and Investment Office is pleased to announce that the position of Deputy Executive Director/Chief Retirement Officer has been filled. After an extensive candidate recruitment, the agency offered the position of Deputy Executive Director/Chief Retirement Officer to Chad Roberts. Mr. Roberts began in his new role on July 11th, 2022. 

Read the full Press Release

RIO Press Release - Chief Investment Officer Position Filled

Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 03:00 pm

Categories: TFFR Member News, TFFR Employer News, SIB News

The North Dakota State Investment Board is pleased to announce that the position of Chief Investment Officer has been filled.  At its meeting on December 15, 2021, the State Investment Board offered the position of Chief Investment Officer at the North Dakota Retirement & Investment Office (RIO) to Scott Anderson.  Mr. Anderson is scheduled to begin his new role the week of January 17, 2022.

Read the full Press Release 

RIO Press Release - Executive Director Position Filled

Monday, November 22, 2021 at 04:00 pm

Categories: TFFR Member News, TFFR Employer News, SIB News

The North Dakota Retirement and Investment Office (RIO) announced today that the Executive Director position has been filled.

Official Press Release

TFFR Board Press Release

Friday, June 18, 2021 at 03:00 pm

Categories: TFFR Member News, TFFR Employer News

BISMARCK, ND – The Teachers' Fund for Retirement (TFFR) Board of Trustees met yesterday to review and discuss TFFR Fund policy initiatives, and recognize Mr. Hunter, Executive Director and Chief Investment Officer for the North Dakota Retirement and Investment office (RIO). Mr. Hunter has served in his position since 2013 and recently announced his resignation from RIO. TFFR is a client Fund of the State Investment Board (SIB), and the TFFR Program is also administered by the RIO agency.

Read the full Press Release 

RIO Press Release - Executive Director/Chief Investment Officer Resignation

Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 04:00 pm

Categories: TFFR Member News, TFFR Employer News, SIB News

The North Dakota Retirement and Investment Office (RIO) announced today that Executive Director and Chief Investment Officer David Hunter is resigning his position effective June 22, 2021.

Official Press Release

Full Notice Of Intent to Amend Administrative Rules

Friday, February 19, 2021 at 09:00 am

Categories: TFFR Member News, TFFR Employer News

TAKE NOTICE that the North Dakota Retirement and Investment Office on behalf of the Teachers’ Fund For Retirement Board will hold a public hearing to address proposed amendments to N.D. Admin. Code 82-05-01-02, 82-05-04-02, and 82-05-04-04 at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, March 12, 2021 at 3442 East Century Avenue, Bismarck, ND, 58507. The purpose of the proposed amendments is to implement state statutes and federal law relating to the Teachers’ Fund For Retirement program requirements. The proposed amendments address the following: 
In N.D.A.C. 82-05-01-02, the amendment expands the list of documents accepted by the program as proof of age to include REAL ID; 
In N.D.A.C. 82-05-04-02, the amendment updates the actuarial factors, such as the interest rate, and member and beneficiary mortality tables used by the program to calculate optional payment forms; In N.D.A.C. 82-05-04-04, the amendment updates the actuarial factors, such as the interest rate and salary increase rate used by the program to calculate purchase of service. 
The proposed amendments are not expected to have an impact on the regulated community in excess of $50,000. 
The proposed rules may be reviewed at the office of the North Dakota Retirement and Investment Office at 3442 East Century Avenue, P.O. Box 7100, Bismarck, ND, 58507-7100. A copy of the proposed rules and/or a regulatory analysis may be requested by writing the above address, e-mailing, or calling 701-328-9885. Written or oral comments on the proposed rules sent to the above address or telephone number and received by Wednesday, March 24, 2021, will be fully considered. 
If you plan to attend the public hearing and will need special facilities or assistance relating to a disability, or would like to attend the hearing virtually, please contact the North Dakota Retirement and Investment Office at the above telephone number or address at least one day prior to the public hearing.   

Click here to view the Full Notice 

Click here to view Proposed Rules

October 2020 TFFR Retired Newsletter

Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 11:00 pm

Categories: TFFR Member News

The October 2020 RETIREMENTtoday is now available.  Please review the information regarding your Annual Retirement Benefit Notice, who's new to TFFR and the new TFFR Website.

October 2020 TFFR Active Newsletter

Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 11:00 pm

Categories: TFFR Member News

The October 2020 REPORTcard is now available. Please review the information regarding your Annual Benefit Statement, who's new to TFFR, COVID-19 update regarding TFFR services and the new TFFR Website.

Important Office Information Regarding COVID-19

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Categories: TFFR Member News, TFFR Employer News, SIB News

ATTENTION: Visiting Our Office

Due to public health concerns related to the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) and Governor Burgum’s executive order, the ND Retirement and Investment Office (RIO) is closed to public visitors until further notice.

Teachers’ Fund for Retirement (TFFR) and State Investment Board (SIB) client services remain fully functional, but will primarily be delivered by electronic means. Our staff is transitioning to working remotely to avoid disruptions for TFFR members and SIB clients. We will continue to administer critical retirement and investment program operations, claims processing, and retiree payroll functions.

Please contact us by phone (1.800.952.2970 or 701.328.9885) or email us at Thank you for your patience and support. Stay safe!

Top 5 Things to know about TFFR regarding COVID-19

TFFR Employer Reporting FAQs regarding COVID-19

February 2020 TFFR Retired Newsletter

Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at 11:00 pm

Categories: TFFR Member News

The February 2020 RETIREMENTtoday is now available.  Please review the information regarding 2020 Tax Withholding, Membership Statistics, the 2019 Annual Report Summary and Board updates.

February 2020 TFFR Active Newsletter

Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at 11:00 pm

Categories: TFFR Member News

The February 2020 REPORTcard is now available. Please review the information regarding Retirement Education Workshops, Membership Statistics, Board updates and the 2019 Annual Report Summary.

August 2019 TFFR Retired Newsletter

Monday, August 19, 2019 at 05:12 pm

Categories: TFFR Member News

The August 2019 RETIREMENTtoday is now available.  Please review the information regarding TFFR Member Online.

August 2019 TFFR Active Newsletter

Monday, August 19, 2019 at 05:00 pm

Categories: TFFR Member News

The August 2019 REPORTcard is now available.  Please review the information regarding Annual Benefit Statements & the Group Benefit Counseling schedule.

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