Welcome TFFR Members

Welcome TFFR Members

The Teachers’ Fund for Retirement (TFFR) provides North Dakota educators with a financial foundation for the future that includes a secure and stable retirement.


If you are employed by a public school or state institution for teaching, supervisory, administrative or extracurricular services and have a teaching license, you are required to participate in the TFFR plan. This section covers:

Tier and Grandfathering Status

Dual Membership

Salary, Contributions and Interest

Beneficiary(ies) and Marriage Dissolution

Service Credit and Vesting

TFFR members can manage their account information using MyTFFR.

  • Active and inactive members can update their contact information and designate beneficiaries.
  • Retired members can update their contact information, modify direct deposit details, and adjust federal or state tax withholding.

To access MyTFFR, use the Member Login button in the upper-right hand corner of RIO's website. If you don’t have a MyTFFR account login, you may need to create one using your personal information.

For user guidance, after logging into MyTFFR, select the "Help" button to access the Member Help Center. Alternatively, "How to" videos are available on RIO's YouTube channel. 

Benefit Formula

The TFFR benefit is determined by a formula defined in state law. This formula multiplies a member's years of service credit by a percentage of their Final Average Salary (FAS). The current formula is FAS × 2.0% × Service Credit = Single Life Annuity.

  • Tier 1 members FAS - high 3 fiscal year salaries / 36
  • Tier 2 members FAS - high 5 fiscal year salaries / 60

Running an Estimate

Members can estimate their benefit using MyTFFR. For assistance, once logged in, select MyTFFR's "Help" button to access the Member Help Center. A "How to" video is also available on RIO's YouTube Channel


Active TFFR members who meet certain conditions are eligible to purchase service credit to use toward retirement eligibility and benefits. Review the Purchasing Service Credit brochure or the Member Handbook to learn about the types of service credit that may be purchased and the eligibility requirements. 

Create a Purchase Estate

Members can create a Service Credit Purchase Estimate using MyTFFR. For assistance, once logged in, select MyTFFR's "Help" button to access the Member Help Center. A "How to" video is also available on RIO's YouTube Channel

Retirement is an exciting milestone and taking it step-by-step can help you navigate the process smoothly.

Get Ready to Apply

Gather the necessary information before starting your application. 

Apply for Retirement

If you pause during the application process, MyTFFR may time out requiring you to restart.

  • Login to MyTFFR and select the "Apply for Retirement" tile.
  • Track your application's progress by selecting the "Apply for Retirement" tile.
  • After reviewing your application, RIO will send you an enrollment form. Notarize and return it to receive your first payment date. 

For assistance, once logged in, select MyTFFR's "Help" button to access the Member Help Center. A "How to" video is also available on RIO's YouTube Channel.

A member who leaves TFFR-covered employment may receive a refund (aka lump-sum distribution) of their account value. A refund consists of employee contributions plus 6% interest. Employer contributions and investment earnings are not included. 

To learn about the waiting period, membership and tax considerations, review the Member Handbook and the Special Tax Notice

Apply for a Withdrawal

Members can create and maintain a Withdrawal Application using MyTFFR. For assistance, once logged in, select MyTFFR's "Help" button to access the Member Help Center. A "How to" video is also available on RIO's YouTube Channel

TFFR members who become disabled may be entitled to monthly disability benefit if the following conditions are met.

  • Five or more years of TFFR service credit.
  • Employed by a TFFR-covered employer at the time of disability.
  • Application filed within 36 months from the last day of employment.
  • Disability must be “total” and result in your inability to perform the duties of a teacher for 12 months or more due to a medical condition.
  • Certified eligible by the TFFR Board of Trustees.

Review the Member Handbook to learn how the payment is calculated, payments and taxation, and returning to teach.

Apply for Disability 

Members can create and maintain a Disability Application using MyTFFR. For assistance, once logged in, select MyTFFR's "Help" button to access the Member Help Center.

Should you die before retiring, your beneficiary will have the following options concerning your TFFR account: 

  • Non-vested members - Refund of account value
  • Vested members - Refund of account value; or Monthly annuity for life (only if one beneficiary is named)

Should you die after retirement, benefits are paid based on the plan selected at retirement. Please see the member handbook for more information.

Reporting A Death

If a member dies, TFFR should be notified promptly at 1-800-952-2970. In all cases, a copy of the member's death certificate is required. If other forms are necessary, they will be provided to the designated beneficiary.

After you retire, you may return to TFFR covered employment under certain employment limitations. Please read the Working After Retirement brochure for details. Each year you teach after retirement, you and your employer need to complete and submit a TFFR Retired Member Employment Notification to TFFR.

Events Page

Virtual Retirement Counseling - Individual Sessions

Monday, July 1, 2024 at 09:40 am - Monday, June 30, 2025

Categories: TFFR Outreach Programs

The Teacher's Fund for Retirement program provides Virtual Counseling Sessions for individual members.

Recent News

RIO successfully goes live with modernized Pension Administration System

Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 01:00 pm

Categories: TFFR Member News, TFFR Employer News

The Retirement and Investment Office in partnership with Sagitec, a leader in pension administration software solutions, successfully launched a modernized Pension Administration System for the Teachers' Fund for Retirement. This marks a significant milestone in a pension modernization project, which sought to enhance platform efficiency, security, and service for the fund's more than 25,000 active, inactive, and retired members.

North Dakota Teachers’ Fund for Retirement earns pension standards award

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Categories: TFFR Member News, TFFR Employer News

The North Dakota Teachers’ Fund for Retirement has been honored with the 2024 Public Pension Standards Award for Funding and Administration by the Public Pension Coordinating Council. The award is the benchmark for excellence in public defined benefit plans, evaluating standards of management, administration, and funding. 

Rasset appointed to TFFR board

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 01:00 am

Categories: TFFR Member News, TFFR Employer News

Gov. Doug Burgum has appointed Alexis Rasset of Mandan, ND, to the Teachers’ Fund for Retirement board of trustees. The seven-member board is responsible for administering the pension program.

RIO earns 26th consecutive Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting

Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 01:00 am

Categories: TFFR Member News, TFFR Employer News, SIB News

RIO has been honored with the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada.

TFFR earns two pension awards

Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 09:00 am

Categories: TFFR Member News, TFFR Employer News

The TFFR pension program has earned the 2023 Public Pension Standards Awards for Plan Funding and for Plan Administration from the Public Pension Coordinating Council.